Common Name: Virgin’s Bower, Traveller’s Joy, Old Man’s Beard Sun to shade; moderately wet to medium moisture level; prefers rich soil but will grow on coarse sands and gravels to…
Common Name: Virgin’s Bower, Traveller’s Joy, Old Man’s Beard Sun to shade; moderately wet to medium moisture level; prefers rich soil but will grow on coarse sands and gravels to…
Common Name: Leather Flower, Vasevine, American Bells Part sun to light shade; medium moisture level; rich, well-drained soil; prefers circumneutral pH. 8-12 feet height; blooms in summer; bell-shaped flowers which…
Common Name: Leather-Flower, Pale Leather Flower Full sun to medium shade; medium to moderately dry moisture level; occurs naturally in rocky or sandy soils; ? pH. 4-7 feet height, blooms…