Common Name: Wood Anemone Light to medium shade, moderately wet moisture level, prefers rich mucky soils, slightly acid pH. 4-8 inches height, blooms in early spring, white flowers, spreads by…
Common Name: Wood Anemone Light to medium shade, moderately wet moisture level, prefers rich mucky soils, slightly acid pH. 4-8 inches height, blooms in early spring, white flowers, spreads by…
Common Name: Wintergreen, Teaberry, Checkerberry Part sun, moderately wet to moderately dry moisture level, humusy soil, moderately acid pH. 2-6 inches height, blooms in summer, white to pink flowers, creeps…
Common Name: Wingstem, Yellow Crownbeard Full to part sun, moderately wet to medium moisture level, prefers organically rich soil. 4-8 feet height, blooms summer to fall, yellow flowers, re-seeds readily. Germination…
Common Name: Winged Loosestrife Full sun, wet to moderately wet moisture level, tolerant of a wide range of soils including heavy clay. 3-4 ft. height, blooms summer to fall, purple…
Common Name: Willow Aster Full to part sun, wet to medium moisture level; prefers fertile loamy soil. 3 ft. height, blooms in fall, blue flowers, spreads by rhizomes to form small…
Common Name: Wild Sweet William, Meadow Phlox Full to part sun, moderately wet to medium moisture level, prefers fertile soil but will tolerate sandy or clay soils, tolerant of a…
Common Name: Wild Strawberry, Virginia Strawberry Full sun to full shade, moderately wet to dry moisture level, tolerant of a range of soils, slightly acid to circumneutral pH. 3-6 inches…
Common Name: Wild Quinine Full sun, moderately wet to moderately dry moisture level, prefers fertile soil but will tolerate a wide range of soils including clay. 2-4 ft. height, blooms…
Common Name: Wild Petunia Full sun, medium to dry moisture level, any soil including clay, slightly acid to neutral pH. 1 ft. height, blooms over a long period in summer, purple…