Common Name: Wood Anemone Light to medium shade, moderately wet moisture level, prefers rich mucky soils, slightly acid pH. 4-8 inches height, blooms in early spring, white flowers, spreads by…
Anemone quinquefolia
Anemone virginiana
Common Name: Tall Thimbleweed Full sun to full shade, medium to moderately dry moisture level, tolerant of wide range of soils, moderately acid to neutral pH. 2-3 ft. height, blooms in…
Anemonella thalictroides
Common Name: Rue Anemone Part to full shade; medium to moderately dry moisture level; prefers sandy, humusy soil. 6-8 inches height, blooms in spring, pink flowers. Germination Code: L or E…
Anemone caroliniana
Common Name: Carolina Anemone Full sun, dry moisture level, requires calcareous sands and gravels. 4-6 inches height, blooms in spring, white flowers, spreads by rhizomes. Germination Code: C(60) Native Region:…
Anemone canadensis
Common Name: Canada Anemone Full to part sun, moderately wet to medium moisture level, tolerates wide range of soils including clay. 1-2 ft. height, blooms in spring, white flowers, spreads rapidly…