Common Name: Ozark Calamint, Limestone Calamint Full sun; medium to dry moisture level; rocky, thin soil; alkaline pH. 6-12 inches height, blooms summer into fall, light blue to lavender flowers.…
Clinopodium arkansanum (Calamintha arkansana)
Tradescantia ohiensis
Common Name: Ohio Spiderwort, Bluejacket Full to part sun, moderately wet to dry moisture level, prefers sandy but tolerates clay soil, acidic pH. 2-3 feet height, blooms spring into summer,…
Blephilia ciliata
Common Name: Ohio Horsemint, Downy Wood Mint, Downy Pagoda-plant Part to full shade, medium to dry moisture level, average soil, moderately acid to slightly acid pH. 1-2 ft. height, blooms…
Liatris scariosa
Common Name: Northern Blazing Star, Devil’s Bite Full sun, medium to dry moisture level, prefers dry sandy or rocky soil, slightly acid to alkaline pH. 2-4 ft. height, blooms late…
Galium boreale
Common Name: Northern Bedstraw Part shade, moderately wet to medium moisture level, not fussy about type of soil but should not be planted in heavy poorly drained soils, moderately acid…
Allium cernuum
Common Name: Nodding Pink Onion Full to part sun, moderately wet to moderately dry moisture level, likes sandy loam soil but will accept clay, neutral to alkaline pH. 12-18 inches…
Vernonia noveboracensis
Common Name: New York Ironweed Full sun, wet to medium moisture level, prefers rich but tolerates most soils except rocky, prefers slightly acidic pH but is pH adaptable. 4-6 feet…
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae (Aster novae-angliae)
Common Name: New England Aster Full sun, wet to moderately dry moisture level, most soils including clay, neutral to slightly acid pH. 3-5 ft. height, blooms in fall, purple flowers.…
Helianthus angustifolius
Common Name: Narrow-leaved Sunflower, Swamp Sunflower Full sun, moderately wet to medium moisture level, tolerant of a wide range of soils except rocky, moderately to slightly acid pH. 5-7 feet…
Physostegia angustifolia
Common Name: Narrow-leaved Obedient Plant Full sun, wet to medium moisture level, average soil, moderately acid to neutral pH. 2-4 ft. height, blooms late summer to fall, pink flowers, spreads…