Common Name: Drooping White Trillium, Bent Trillium, Wood Lily Part to full shade, medium moisture level, humus-rich soil, slightly acid to neutral pH. 1-2 feet height, blooms in spring, white…
Trillium flexipes
Viola pubescens
Common Name: Downy Yellow Violet Part shade, medium to moderately dry moisture level, rich soil, acidic to neutral pH. 4-10 inches height, blooms spring into summer, yellow flowers, will colonize…
Scutellaria incana
Common Name: Downy Skullcap, Hoary Skullcap Part sun to light shade, medium to moderately dry moisture level, sandy, rocky or clay soils, slightly acid to neutral pH. 2-3 feet height,…
Liatris punctata
Common Name: Dotted Blazing Star, Dotted Gayfeather Full sun, moderately dry to dry moisture level, adapted to a wide range of soils including clay, slightly acid to neutral pH. 2…
Actaea pachypoda
Common Name: Doll’s Eyes, White Baneberry Light to medium shade; medium moisture level; prefers rich, pH neutral soil. 1-2 ft. height, blooms in spring, white flowers. Germination Code: F Native Region:…
Cunila origanoides
Common Name: Dittany, Common Dittany, American Dittany, Frost Mint Full to part sun; medium to dry moisture level; tolerates a range of soils including loamy, sandy, and rocky; slightly acid…
Penthorum sedoides
Common Name: Ditch Stonecrop Part shade, wet to moderately wet moisture level, tolerates most soils except rocky, strongly acid to neutral pH. 2 ft. height, blooms summer into fall, yellowish…
Chamaelirium luteum
Common Name: Devil’s-Bit, Fairy Wand Part shade, wet to moderately wet moisture level, humus-rich soil, moderately acid pH. 1-2 ft. height, blooms in spring, white flowers. Germination Code: C(30) Seeds…
Helianthus atrorubens
Common Name: Dark-eyed Sunflower, Appalachian Sunflower, Purpledisk Sunflower Part shade, medium to moderately dry moisture level, adapts to a wide range of soils, slightly acid pH. 4-6 feet height, blooms…
Carmine concatenata (Dentaria laciniata)
Common Name: Cut-leavedToothwort, Toothwort Open shade, medium moisture level, rich soil with leaf mold, circumneutral pH. 6-8 inches height, blooms in spring, white flowers, spreads by rhizomes above ground in the…