Native Plants

Iris verna

Common Name:  Dwarf Iris, Dwarf Violet Iris, Vernal Iris  Spring sun and then part shade to full shade in summer, medium to moderately dry moisture level, sandy soil, moderately acid…

Panax trifolius

Common Name:  Dwarf Ginseng Part to full shade, medium moisture level, organically rich soil, moderately acid to neutral pH.  4-8 inches height, blooms spring to early summer, white flowers. Germination…

Dicentra cucullaria

Common Name:  Dutchman’s Breeches Dappled sunlight of woodlands, moderately wet to medium moisture level, rich humusy soil, circumneutral pH.  12 inches height, blooms in spring, white flowers. Germination Code: C(90)…

Viola pubescens

Common Name:  Downy Yellow Violet Part shade, medium to moderately dry moisture level, rich soil, acidic to neutral pH.  4-10 inches height, blooms spring into summer, yellow flowers, will colonize…

Actaea pachypoda

Common Name:  Doll’s Eyes, White Baneberry Light to medium shade; medium moisture level; prefers rich, pH neutral soil.  1-2 ft. height, blooms in spring, white flowers. Germination Code: F Native Region:…