Common Name: Alabama Azalea Part sun to open shade; medium to moderately dry moisture level; rocky soil; acidic pH. 4-6 feet height by 5-6 feet spread; blooms late April into…
Common Name: Alabama Azalea Part sun to open shade; medium to moderately dry moisture level; rocky soil; acidic pH. 4-6 feet height by 5-6 feet spread; blooms late April into…
Common Name: Mountain Pieris, Fetter Bush Part shade to full shade; moderately wet to medium moisture level; grows in moderately coarse gravelly and sandy loams to medium loams; demands strongly…
Common Name: Ninebark, Common Ninebark Full sun to shade; moderately wet to moderately dry moisture level; tolerates a wide range of soils including gravelly loams, medium loams, fine sandy loams,…
Common Name: Red Chokeberry Full to part sun; wet to dry moisture level; prefers rich soil but will grow in fine to coarse soils including mucks, clays and fine sands;…
Common Name: Black Chokeberry Full to part sun; wet to dry moisture level; tolerant of a wide range of soils including clay and coarse infertile sands; moderately acid to slightly…
Common Name: Hairy Mock-orange, Cumberland Mock-orange, Streambank Mockorange Sun to light shade; medium to moderately dry moisture level; adapted to a wide range of soils; pH ? 3-6 feet height…
Common Name: Alabama Snow-wreath, Neviusia, Alabama Snow Wreath Full to part sun; medium moisture level; rich, loamy soil; circumneutral pH. 3-6 feet height by 3-6 feet spread; blooms in spring;…
Common Name: Spicebush, Common Spicebush Full sun to light shade; moderately wet to medium moisture level; best in fertile loam soil but grows in loamy sands, medium loams and silt loams; slightly…
Common Name: Drooping Laurel, Doghobble, Dog-laurel, Fetterbus Part to full shade; medium to moderately dry moisture level; prefers humusy organic soil but grows anywhere that rhododendron thrive; strongly to moderately…