Common Name: Dittany, Common Dittany, American Dittany, Frost Mint Full to part sun; medium to dry moisture level; tolerates a range of soils including loamy, sandy, and rocky; slightly acid…
Cunila origanoides
Penthorum sedoides
Common Name: Ditch Stonecrop Part shade, wet to moderately wet moisture level, tolerates most soils except rocky, strongly acid to neutral pH. 2 ft. height, blooms summer into fall, yellowish…
Chamaelirium luteum
Common Name: Devil’s-Bit, Fairy Wand Part shade, wet to moderately wet moisture level, humus-rich soil, moderately acid pH. 1-2 ft. height, blooms in spring, white flowers. Germination Code: C(30) Seeds…
Helianthus atrorubens
Common Name: Dark-eyed Sunflower, Appalachian Sunflower, Purpledisk Sunflower Part shade, medium to moderately dry moisture level, adapts to a wide range of soils, slightly acid pH. 4-6 feet height, blooms…
Carmine concatenata (Dentaria laciniata)
Common Name: Cut-leavedToothwort, Toothwort Open shade, medium moisture level, rich soil with leaf mold, circumneutral pH. 6-8 inches height, blooms in spring, white flowers, spreads by rhizomes above ground in the…
Silphium perfoliatum
Common Name: Cup Plant Full to part sun, moderately wet to medium moisture level, prefers rich soil but is adapted to wide range of soils including clay, very strongly acid…
Veronicastrum virginicum
Common Name: Culver’s Root Full to part sun, moderately wet to medium moisture level, rich soil, moderately acid pH. 4-6 feet height, blooms in summer, white flowers, self-seeds slowly. Germination…
Symphyotrichum prenanthoides (Aster prenanthoides)
Common Name: Crooked-stemmed Aster Full to part sun, moderately wet to medium moisture level, most soils except clay, moderately acid to neutral pH. 1-3 ft. height, blooms in fall, purple flowers,…
Iris cristata
Common Name: Crested Iris, Dwarf Crested Iris Morning sun with afternoon shade, medium to moderately dry moisture level, humusy soil, slightly acid to neutral pH. 3-6 inches height, blooms in…
Phlox stolonifera
Common Name: Creeping Phlox Part shade, medium moisture level, prefers rich organic soil but will tolerate sandy and clay soil, moderately acid to neutral pH. 6-8 inches height, blooms spring…