Common Name: Strawberry Bush, Heart’s-a-bustin, Bursting-Heart Part sun to light shade; medium moisture level; rich organic soil; slightly acid pH. 4-6 feet height by 3-4 feet spread; blooms in May;…
Euonymus americanus
Dirca palustris
Common Name: Leatherwood Light to medium shade; medium to dry moisture level; best on rich medium loams but tolerates sandy loams and fine silt loams; slightly acid to slightly alkaline…
Diervilla sessilifolia
Common Name: Southern Bush Honeysuckle Full sun to light shade; medium to dry moisture level; tolerant of a range of soil including clay; acidic to neutral pH. 3-5 feet height…
Diervilla lonicera
Common Name: Northern Bush Honeysuckle, Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle Full sun to light shade; medium to dry moisture level; tolerant of a wide range of soils including coarse sands, gravels, loamy…
Corylus cornuta
Common Name: Beaked Hazelnut Part sun to shade; medium to dry moisture level; tolerant of a wide range of soils including moderately coarse sandy and gravelly loams, medium loams to…
Corylus americana
Common Name: American Filbert, Hazelnut Full sun to light shade; medium to dry moisture; establishes easily in a wide range of soils; slightly acid to neutral pH. 5-12 feet height by…
Cornus foemina (Cornus stricta)
Common Name: Stiff Dogwood, Swamp Dogwood, English Dogwood, Stiff Cornel Part to full shade; wet to medium moisture level; prefers loamy soil with organic matter but tolerates sandy, low fertility…
Cornus amomum
Common Name: Silky Dogwood Sun to light shade; wet to moderately wet moisture level; tolerates a wide range of soils from fine heavy clay to coarse wet sand; prefers slightly…
Conradina verticillata
Common Name: Cumberland Rosemary Full sun; medium to dry moisture level; requires sandy or rocky soil; ? pH. 1 foot height by 2-3 feet spread; blooms May-June; pinkish lavender flowers.…
Comptonia peregrine (Myrica asplenifolia)
Common Name: Sweet Fern Full to part sun; medium to moderately dry moisture level; best in peaty or sandy loams but also does well in poor infertile soils (but not…